We got together with children at Migrant Solidarity Kitchen !

After we harvested some of our winter crops, DÜRTÜK-Direnen Üretici Tüketici Kolektifi (Resisting Producer Consumer Collective) provided us with the missing ingredients. Yedikule and Piyalepaşa Urban Community Gardens, which are both under threat of urban development supported ours with their harvest.

Fatma Karlık from Yeşil Ev (Green House) cooked a delicious meal for us.

Together with the kids we made paper planes and ships. Serkan Kırmızı with his project Davulumdan Masallar (Tales My Drum Sings) lead us in our games and songs. Nice weather invited us out and we filled the streets. Tarlabaşı Band played tunes that we danced to and sang together. It was indeed a marvelous day. Kids wanted to come see us with their green curiosity, before saying goodbye we promised to meet at the Roma Community Garden.

Many thanks to Migrant Solidarity Kitchen crew, Roma Community Garden people and all who supported.


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